Oct 20, 2007


for no apparent reason/s, i browsed my ex- girlfriend's friendster account.



okay. after a few seconds, i closed the browser right away.

indeed. there was no other painful way than to see your ex-girlfriend's wedding photo. :'(


then i reflected on that certain past. did i ever learned from it? maybe. maybe not.

this is why i believe that some pasts are meant to be locked forever in a box.
because some pasts gave a pang in the head and a pinch to my soon-to-be a necrotic heart.

she moved on while i was still stuck and left with a litte shower of bread crumbs of her love.

she moved on while i was left off with a thought that i was once her rebound.



and from this, i have achieved self-actualization(awareness); an essential key for caring psychiatric clients. lol.

now back to reviewing notes. :)