Sep 11, 2012

Just In Case...


I love you. I wish I said that to you a few months back. I'm sorry for this delay of words. I was busy putting those words into action; a commitment. When I sought Him, He made me sought you. I'm a changed man because of Him while you bring out the brightest side of me. We've been friends for almost a decade now. And we have a solid foundation through our faith. Faith and friendship. These two things are much more the reason why I should commit to you. The reasons I should not give up on you.

These things, it doesn't happen overnight. It took a lot of pondering, realizations and prayers to get me in to what I have become or felt for you now. I realized that we both been there for each other, through thick and thin and through the important moments and the unimportant ones. There's just too many to mention. I know you have poor memory but someday you will realize these things as well.

I admit I'm not the man of your dreams. I'm not handsome or well off. And yet every exhale I make each day, I prayed to be the man that you deserve. Just the man that you deserve.

I love you. A love different from the sappy, pathetic romantic flicks that Hollywood could offer. This love is borne out from faith, hope, kindness, patience, respect and of a decade of trust and friendship. You may feel betrayed and offended by what I have revealed to you. But this is me in all honesty. Stripped naked by all the drama and wrong doings. All I'm asking is that you'll give "us" a chance. A faithful chance. Because for what it's worth, all the things we have learned from church will be a waste of everything that we put faith on... Hope.

I told this for the whole world to hear because the world believes that falling in love with your closest/best friend is the most stupid thing a guy could do. That people should fall for the right person or strangers or blah blah blah. Stereotypes. In my case, I'm different. And I don't give a damn if I am. To me, you're not just the right girl. You're the ONLY girl worth falling for. Worth committing with.

Much Love,