Of Nursery Rhymes and Their Common Misconceptions
Okay, sabay sabay tayo! On my count!
Wan, tu, tree!
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after...
Before you smile and do that tralala thing at the end of the rhyme, let us shed tears to Jack and Jill who met a disturbing accident up on the hill.
This was the common mistake of some of us as kids who learned this nursery rhyme years ago. Jack fell down and broke his crown which was meant as his head. What a sight.
Blame the one who taught us? It's useless. Perhaps if we could share this misconception to every kid around us, we might somehow change the course of the souls who left and sacrificed their youth, just to fetch a pail of water.
My mom's a teacher in Angelicum College and she teaches YS 5 (which was equivalent to grade 3, i guess.) She heard one of her pupils sang the alphabet song:
A B C D E F G H I J K elementary Q R S T U V W X Y Z!!! Now I know my A B C, next time I want to be in nursery.
Hehehehe! it DOES rhyme! kids these days.. =)
London Bridge is falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.
That nursery rhyme was wrong in grammar. It supposed to be going down.
It was also a sad nursery rhyme that we, as a child do not know the tragedy beyond the london bridge. Or if there was really a fair lady who happens to witness the devastating scene.
Classic Nursery Rhyme that I love was:
Astig diba? Puwedeng pangalan ng album ng banda! hehehe! I wonder what does it mean? Hmmm...
I wonder how many more nursery rhymes that were taught to us but believed to be a misconception by now. Or had been corrected due to the disturbing truth behind the cute rhymes and periwingkle tones.
-Humpty Dumpy?
-Hickory dickory duck?
-My bonnie lies over the ocean?
-One, two buckle my shoe?
-Twingkle Star?
-The Name Game? by Gloria Estefan
-Three Blind Mice?
Don't forget your Homework, children:
What was your favorite all time nursery rhyme?
pray muna tayo:
Angel of God, my guardian dear.
To whom I love and I trust so dear.
E-v-e-ree day, be at my side, to light and guide
To rule at night, Amen.