Jan 17, 2009

Match the Following

and someone really hit an effort to change her answer.
which was still wrong, unfortunately.

I was asked by my mom to type her Christian Living Exam for High School a month ago and out of being "maloko" in me and for the heck of it, I put some optional answers to make the exam fun and interesting. Make sure you take a closer look to their answers. Enjoy!

take a look at number 54 and the answer. hahahaha! o diba?! panalo!

OMG ka diyan!

:) beri gud! lol!

i am so sure it made your heart smile the hell out of you. haha!


tanongin ba naman ang tanong?

hahaha! do fishes have wings?! haha!

Cullen as St. Elizabeth's feast day? Kelan pa?

nope. up dharma down is not a wicked city.

yeehee! kinilig. :)

say what?

dharma as a sensible sign.

the clear direction.

the clear options

hmm.. dharma as a vision?

close but not close enough

Additional Notes: May 23 is my Birthday and July 22 is my mom's birthday.