Today, I Lost a Friend.

I lost a friend today. A very very important friend of mine.
Today, I learned a whole new meaning of losing such a friend.
And it took a deep breath for me to accept that it was my fault and forgiveness is no where to be found.
It hurts. Big time. Like a surgery without anesthesia. Because when you nurtured a friendship, there's no way you'll be emotionally unattached to it and you'll eat the meaning of the word 'importance' from day one.
I never meant this to happen, but still, if only I... sigh.
Dear Mrs. Clockwork,
What could I possibly offer you to make you bring back the time? I am not good at fixing things but I could change. If you could just allow me three days back, I'll be your slave for good. But what good should I be for you? You're always on the run, never waits and you make things complicated due to the deadly 'dead lines'.
Just three days.
(p.s. she's important to me like gears and springs are for you)

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